
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mechanical Engineering Internships Come With Lots of Options

Whether you are a college student or recent graduate who's looking for a career in mechanical engineering, an internship can be a great place to start a successful career. Naturally, a paid internship internship is better than an unpaid one, but either can, and will, provide valuable work experience and a head start on the competition when applying for entry level jobs.

Internships are valuable because they offer students or recent grads opportunities to learn about their future career fields and the companies' where they intern. They prepare college students and recent graduates for the real world, giving them a taste of what they can expect once they enter the workforce on a permanent, full-time basis. They're also a great way for students to get their feet in the doors of the companies where they would most like to work after graduation.

While internships are sometimes hard to come by, with some time and effort, great opportunities can be found, especially if students are networking with classmates and alumni. Membership in organizations like ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), which offers student memberships, can further increase an aspiring mechanical engineer's network of professional contacts. Some of the mechanical engineering companies, where students or recent grads might like to do internships, are:

o Mercedes-Benz (automobiles),
o Rogers Machine Tools (manufacturing, machines and equipment),
o Owens Design (designing and CAD),
o Campbell Engineering (hydraulics and pneumatics),
o Applied Thermal Technologies, Inc. (thermal management, fluid technologies and solutions )

Mechanical engineering is a field with many opportunities. Mechanical engineers research, design, test and manufacture various mechanical devices like generators, farming equipment and turbines. They could be called upon to repair or design such every day devices as elevators or air conditioning units. They also help keep the robots used in medicine and automobile manufacturing running smoothly. Interestingly, mechanical engineers sometimes create tools that are useful to engineers in other disciplines. As with any profession, mechanical engineering also has sales, administration and management positions for anyone interested in expanding or advancing his/her career.

A mechanical engineering internship - or co-op if it's offered - will provide a strong foundation on which a student or recent graduate could build a successful career. In today's entry level job market, an internship is an absolute must for anyone who wants to be competitive.

 By Candice Arnold

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