
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Control System Modernization for Emergency Power Systems: An Overview

Traditional emergency power supply systems often lack a critical component: an electronic control system (ECS) that allows facility managers to assess and respond to the system's data readings in a timely manner. In fact, many facilities are placed in the position of calling a power service every time their generator experiences a minor problem, a scenario that could lead to thousands of dollars a year in service calls. To prevent this expense-and to end the frustration of feeling helpless-many facilities implement a high tech ECS, a modernization measure that lets them assess and troubleshoot their generator without the aid of a power service.

How does an ECS for emergency power systems work?

An ECS measures and clearly displays EPSS data that allows facility managers to assess whether an emergency power supply system (EPSS) is operating properly. Some common types of data that an ECS interface displays are: temperature, oil pressure, and speed of operation (e.g. over speed or under speed). An ECS relays this data using a microprocessor that senses electrical signals in the EPSS. Once recorded, the data is used in two ways: to allow a facility manager to control EPSS settings and perform tests, and to allow the EPSS to be self-regulating as much as possible.

What are the advantages of implementing an ECS?

The advantages of implementing an electronic control system depend on what type of system is implemented. There are, however, some general advantages of ECS modernization for generator systems, such as:

Reduced number of service calls

As mentioned above, an EPSS that lacks a user-friendly interface can result in a plethora of service calls. Systems that have a user-friendly interface, on the other hand, allow facility managers to reserve service calls for problems that truly require the assistance of experts.

Improved system maintenance

From transfer switch maintenance to generator engine maintenance, the data provided by an ECS interface can indicate the need for maintenance before it is discovered through visual inspection or routine testing.

Improved problem assessment

Generator systems that lack a user-friendly interface put facility managers in the position of performing guesswork. High tech control panels let facility managers make informed decisions based on precise data.

Improved response time to problems

Control systems that feature a user-friendly interface makes it easy to respond to problems in a timely manner, and easy to determine whether a service call should be placed.

Ability to be notified of problems remotely

High tech control systems allow facility managers to be notified of EPSS issues via mobile devices. As a part of improving response time to EPSS issues, the modernization of control systems allows facility managers to be notified of system problems anywhere, anytime.

Where is the best place to find a High tech ECS?

A high tech control system can be purchased from various sellers over the Internet. However, the best option is to let an emergency power supply service that specializes in EPSS modernization recommend a system after it assesses a facility's unique emergency power needs.

By Jimmy Drago

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